Thursday 28 March 2013

Blue Planning Requires Green Thinking

The European Commission (EC) recently launched a proposal focused on marine spatial planning, primarily to support the growth of a sustainable blue economy across Europe.

One of the main aims of the proposal is environmental protection, and it is hoped that such legislation, if ratified by the EU Council, would reinforce both the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Habitats Directive. Both of which aim to promote conservation of habitats and ecosystems (i.e. foundations of the Green Economy).

If marine spatial planning is to succeed in protecting the environment, good quality biological evidence must be a fundamental cornerstone in decision processes. Specifically, it is the analyses of marine biological habitats and associated species to form habitat / biotope maps which are required. 

Photo:  jonkriz (Flickr Photostream)

Within the UK, the Marine Management Organisation has completed such a planning exercise for the East of England. They have published some useful documentation around the processes they used. One document makes recommendations they concluded from using habitat / biotope maps (

Our team have experience helping organisations, from gathering and analysing data to providing marine biological planning inputs.

Please get in touch with us ( to find out if we can help your organisation.


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